5 Sketch Plugins You Need To Succeed

As product designers, we’re always looking for ways to make our design process smoother. As we work on different deliverables and adhere to a timeline, we’re always looking for a more efficient way to use Sketch. With the following plugins, there’s no doubt you’ll be able to create pixel perfect designs faster and more efficiently.

Sketch plugins

Spell check

As a product designer, its common to focus on visual design and forget about copy. While visual design is a major part of your product, copy is usually overlooked. For those who tend to misspell when pasting copy, there is a great plugin for Sketch Spell Checker. When the extension is launched, it creates a list of texts that contain errors or an incorrect word.


The Craft plugin for Sketch allows you to preview your prototype as you design, as well as sync your artboards with InVision. When working with various stakeholders who request an interactive prototype, the Craft plugin also allows you to copy a link while you’re still working in Sketch and forward it to those who want to see your product. After syncing with the plugin, you can go into InVision and view the artboards you’ve created in Sketch as a prototype.


Nudg.it makes it possible to design and practice this law at the same time. It has been said that components in a design are more visually appealing when they are pixels apart. Not only does this plugin allow you to place components with a simple shift arrow click, but it also helps you maintain consistent spacing in your designs. When using Nudg, you can choose the number of pixels by which you want to space the components. You can adjust the small nudge and big nudge settings to ensure consistent placement of elements.

Copy and paste wizard

One of the challenges I’ve faced as a product designer is keeping my designs consistent when designing for multiple screens pages. To make sure the components are aligned, I set up an initial guide. You’re new to setting guides, they are those red lines that run vertically or horizontally on the canvas. You can use the Copy and Paste Wizard to set initial guides, and when you switch to another artboard, you can paste the guides you set.

‍‍Fall down

If you want to save time changing the background of elements in Sketch, Paddit is the plugin for you. Sometimes you may find yourself changing the background of your components to match the background of your art board. With Paddit, you can easily group your elements and change the background from there. You’re already familiar with these plugins, you can also check out the Sketch website for an extensive list of plugins from third party developers.


This list could go on and be two or even three times longer because there are so many great Sketch plugins out there and tons of new ones coming out every day. We believe this list will help you get started in the world of plugins without getting overwhelmed. We use them all on a daily basis, which helps us grow our design team internally, as well as improve the work for all clients both local businesses and international companies.